So my friend who also has a blog tagged me and my other friend who has a blog to do this survey (you should go check out their blogs
here and
here!). I think I talked about them before. How their blogs are super pretty and that's why I want mine to be pretty. Remember? No well okay then.
Before I actually do the survey I have to say that I never thought I would get tagged to do this by having a blog. I mean I know that this happens in emails and on Facebook and sometimes people that vlog do it too but I just never really thought it would happen to me. Strange.
Okay. Let the fun/games begin/commence (I couldn't decide which words I wanted to use don't judge!)
If Abe Lincoln and George Washington got into a fight who’d win?
Well let's see George Washington had teeth made of gold, ivory, lead, and animal/human teeth. So he could chomp through any defenses Abe would have...unless Abe's hat was some special material that protected him from gold, ivory, lead, and teeth. If it was today though I'm not sure because they would both have to be zombies. Wait! Is this like an actual fight or like an argument? Be more specific! I'm probably thinking about this way too much...oh well.
Are you dating anyone?
Oh wait. You were serious? No I'm not. In fact I will probably end up living alone and being the crazy cat lady in your neighborhood. I have however thought about having a fake boyfriend and seeing how everybody would react.
Love at first sight?
This kind of confuses me because when you meet somebody you normally go out on a date right? So you don't actually fall in love with them right when you see them. You don't randomly see a stranger and then get married do you? If so (and your happy) cool, congrats! I just find it unlikely.
What do you think about love? If single, what are you looking for?
Love. I love Italian food. It's so good. Oh. Not that kind of love? Well it's good when it works out but it causes a lot of problems while making it work out or while searching for it. What am I looking for? I don't know somebody nice, funny, tall, and doesn't mind my strangeness and makes me happy I guess.
If zombies are dead, how can they walk? Their bodies shouldn’t function at all.
Because they are magical.
What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
Ack! Put on the spot!! I need to make my blog all Christmasy (when you see this post the blog should already be pretty) and my parents are putting up decorations as a type. Except I'm rather upset because its December and its 60 degrees out. What is this nonsense!?
If you had a snail that could magically grant wishes, what would you name it?
Snaily the Magical Snail of Happiness. SMSH for short.
What makes you the happiest?
I really like watching a movie or reading a book while its snowing outside and I have a blanket on and a cat laying on me a cup of hot cider next to me and a fire going in the fireplace. Yep I like that.
You collect....
Erasers (pretty much any office supply). I used to collect rocks when I was younger...I don't know what happened to all of them but there were a lot. I make bracelets? Does that count? No...oh darn.
Let me guess, you're blond.
You would be wrong! So ha! Your not as smart as you thought you were!
Someone just stole your ice cream cone!
Well that's rude. They owe me an ice cream cone! But I'll probably rant about it and then forget about it.
Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Graduating college with an internship or an idea of what I'm going to do or go.
What's a quirky thing about you?
I have no idea. You'd have to ask somebody that knows me about that.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Oh gosh. Maybe the videos I watch on youtube. They are mainly vlogs by dudes that are like 21 and sing and create cool stuff and make me jealous of their lives.
What are common things that are said to you?
"You're good at listening" "kedkjdkjddkjf" "Stop!" "You wear tie dye everyday" "Wear it! Please! It will be so cute!" "I hate you!!! ...but not really."
What's an embarrassing moment?
I would talk to myself at work? Oh! Skype told me that someone messaged me so I looked and there was nothing there. So I messaged them anyway and confused that person with my confusion.
Do you like to party?
Depends on the party. It can't be super crazy or I think I will probably feel sick or just out of it. If we like have a normal party without screaming and such sure they can be fun. Just not everyday...that's too much.
If you had the chance to go back in time for 24 hours, where and when would you go?
Oh gosh. I have no idea. Oh! I know! When and where Jesus was born! Bam!
Who do you like better, Bill or Ted? Why?
Hmm I'm going to go with Bill just because I could call him Billy and that's part of the name Billy Bob Joe Bob. Also now the name Ted reminds me of the movie Ted which I haven't seen and don't want to see.
What's your favorite type of soda?
I don't drink soda. I drink pop. Just kidding. I'm not really picky the only one's I don't like are Coke and Pepsi. My favorite could be Mountain Dew I guess.
What is one thing you'd change about yourself?
More confidence maybe.
If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
If I was dying would I really be thinking about what kind of food I want? Well let's say Italian food. If I'm going to be really specific I would have lasagna from the Italian restaurant I went to in Lake Tahoe (that is a city don't worry) that was the best lasagna I had in my life.
You have the choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a dog who sings lullabies, which do you choose?
Dog because they have already taught some monkeys to know sign language so a dog that can sing would be more unique.
What did you do yesterday?
I watched videos and then went to The Fort for a Christmas party with some family friends. More on that in a later post.
Any last comments or questions?
This is a very strange survey. Where do people find these things?
What would chairs look like if our knees were on the back of our legs?
There probably just wouldn't be a back. If there was then it would be in the middle of the chair and there would be elevated somewhat so that ur legs could fit underneath it. Try thinking about how we would have to walk...weird.