Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I think people are confused. I keep seeing people walking or running in the middle of the road. I don't know why they are confused...maybe the name isn't clear enough. Because of this confusion I have decided to do my best to explain the true purpose of a sidewalk.

I'm going to break down it's name first. A sidewalk. It's not something you walk on the side of (I think this might be what most people get confused with). Sidewalks are very convenient. They are on the SIDE of the road so that you can WALK on them. I hope that makes it more clear.

The purpose of a sidewalk (you don't have to have a dog to walk on the sidewalk either)
I was driving to work in my neighborhood when I saw these two middle school students (at least that's what I'm assuming) that were walking in the middle of the street. Normally when you are walking on the street and see a car you move out of the way because the car can, oh I don't know, kill you! Well maybe more like injure you but still. These students didn't move. They kept walking towards me (yes we were moving towards each other) while I was driving my car. I (Me! Not them, me!) had to move around them unless I wanted to hit them (I didn't go with that option mainly because it's too much paper work. Just kidding! I'm not that mean.). That's ridiculous. There is a perfectly good sidewalk that you should be using. We even have to shovel the sidewalks when it snows (by law where I am). Use the stupid sidewalk!

Another time I was in the passenger seat with one of my parents driving, I can't remember which but that's not important. Anyway I saw this couple walking their dog on the street. The couple were in the street. The dog (yes, I said a dog) was on the sidewalk. Wait. What? The dog was smarter than the couple! All they had to do was a take a step up onto the sidewalk. Is that really that hard?

Well that's the end of my rant about stupid people and sidewalks. I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry but I still don't have a catch phrase (if you think of one and feel like sharing, please do otherwise I might never think of one).

Oh one more thing. USE THE SIDEWALK!!


P.S. You can still walk on it if it looks like this but I recommend admiring it first and taking a photo and don't smear it because that would be sad (yes that's a very bad sentence but I'm not a writer and you should know that by now).
That is pretty dang cool for a sidewalk

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Micro Gum Packs!

Remember when they redesigned the gum pack. You know, it went from that compact paper gum pack:
The old pack of gum.

to the card board more flat like gum pack? They would advertise it by saying you can put it in your pocket without having a huge huge bulge in your pocket.

The new normal pack of gum
Before you could get a pack of gum that had like five pieces in it (the first picture) but when they changed the design you couldn't do that any more. Well I'm here to tell you that has changed! It's true! They now have micro gum packs. They are half the size of the normal ones that you get.

Micro pack of gum. Isn't it so cute and small!

It's so small!!! You get six pieces of gum. You get more in this one than in the original small one where you got five pieces. The pieces aren't the long skinny ones that come in the normal packs now. They are the more compact pieces of gum that orbit normally has.

I don't know why but I found that very exciting when I found it while I was leaving Walmart with my father.

So there you go. Now you know that you can get a micro gum pack. Pretty cool, right?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Blogging Experience

AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! That's pretty much my thought process as I tried to figure out what I was doing.

Did you know that blogger changed their format? Well I did and it made my life so much more frustrating. Point Blogger.

First came formatting the blog and making it pretty. Now first you should know that my friends also blog and I follow their blogs. Keeping that in mind their blogs are very pretty therefore I want mine to be just as pretty. Problem is: I don't really know what I'm doing. I had to figure out what a gadget was (I'm still not entirely sure what it is but I have a pretty good idea...I think). Then I had to format it so it looks semi normal and that you can read the post and gadgets (Haha! Now I feel smart!) without the words being completely vertical. Point me. Well I decided to make my blog even prettier by going to "The Cutest Blog on the Block" which it says in the top left hand corner. Do you like it? I like it. However it was rather frustrating to figure out how to make it my template...even though they had instructions. I followed them and did what they said but at first it didn't work. Point Blogger. But after that I figured it out and would change the template to a different design that I thought looked cool. Then I would look at it and think to myself "why does it look like that? It looked so much cooler when it wasn't part of my blog! Ugh!" "Oh wait that looks cool...but it's for the St. Patrick's Day. Darn." "Hmm that's not bad...okay I'll just go with that because otherwise I'm never going to pick one." Then I had to figure out how to change the font and what color it was going to be. With that done my blog is now at it's current look. Hurray!

Next came the post. That wasn't bad I already had the idea of what I was going to write so that part was probably the easiest. Point me.

Then came the most frustrating part ever! I set up a gmail to make this blog and I put in my full name only to find out later that everybody could see my full name. I don't want everybody to be able to see my name (unless I know you then you probably already know my name). No offense I'm sure you're an awesome person I just don't want some creeper to find this and be like "I'm going to stalk this girl!" I'm sorry I find that rather weird and creepy. I realize that probably won't happen but I don't really want to take that risk. I guess you could say I'm psychotic that way. I googled how to change my name or make it so my name was there put people could only see the name I wanted them to see. I tried for like two hours only to fail. Point Blogger. So I had my friend, Daphne (that is a nickname if you didn't catch that), who is very smart with the whole blogging thing, help me. I don't really know how to explain how she helped except that I gave her my username and password thing so that she could do it herself. That was good because it wouldn't have worked out very well for me if she told me what to do. "Wait! Where is that?! I already tried that!! It's not working!! Ugh! Why is it so stupid!?" (that would have been my conversation to her, she would try to calm me down and be patient but I don't think I would have ever figured it out).

I believe that is all that occurred. I could be wrong and just forgot something that was really frustrating because I don't want to get frustrated again. So I believe this is the end of the post. I still don't have a catch phrase. Minus one point for me.

P.S. In case you were wondering Blogger won with 3 points while I had 1 point by the end of my experience. ...I lost to an inanimate object (actually I don't think it's even an object). Sigh.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


This blog contains a rant that won't be that exciting. I need to get something off my chest and this is the blog it's going to happen in. The grammar could also be worse than normal because of that...not to mention I'm shaking. Also because it's a rant it might not make that much sense.

I had tryouts all this week to see if I would make the volleyball team at my high school. Since I'm a senior the only team I could make is the varsity team. Well I didn't make the team (this is what the whole blog is going to be about so if you don't care, leave now. I warned you.).

I don't understand. I worked my butt off to make the team. New tests were added so that you would actually exercise over the summer and come to preseason camp in shape. Well I did those every day.
One of them was to run a mile. I woke up at 7:30 am every day to run that mile, and I still didn't make the time they wanted because I'm such an awful runner (thus the reason I ran everyday). I even ran the mile before preseason camp. That's a big deal because if you've been to preseason camp then you know that we do ridiculous conditioning (we ran 12 sets of stairs one day...and there are like 30 stairs to go up and then down) plus ab/arm/leg exercises in between. I ran a mile before that. That's a lot if you didn't already catch that.

In my gut I knew I wasn't going to make the team but there was still always a glimmer of hope so I would hold onto that. All day I was thinking about the bonuses of not making the team: More time to do homework, I could join the drama club like I've wanted to do (not act, because I can't but help make the set and such), I won't have to deal with the drama/politics (yes, there are politics believe it or not), I won't have to die during ridiculous conditioning, etc. However I never actually thought it would happen. I guess I didn't want to think about it. I tried to prepare myself for it because, like I said before, my gut was telling me otherwise. But it still hurt. Volleyball has been a big part of my life. I've been playing it for at least 7 years, 3 of those years I've played volleyball all year long. It's been an interesting adventure.

Elementary/middle school volleyball was good. I mean it wasn't that exciting because everybody made the team and we really weren't that good. It was still fun though. There also wasn't very much drama made me happy.

Freshman year was great. One of the best years of volleyball I think. All I have are good memories of it. It was a ton of fun. The coach is still a friend (I'm actually going to be student assisting for him) and the team was fun. There was pretty much no drama and if there was I didn't notice (something I'm good at doing even now). It was a great year.

Club freshman year was new. It was very hectic and by the end of it I needed a break from volleyball. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. The team was fun and it was a good experience.

Sophomore year was also great. It wasn't quite as good as freshman year but it was still a lot of fun. The coach was also a ton of fun and I'm sure I'd still be friends with him but he moved out of state. The team was also fun too. We also won our tournament which was awesome. There was a little bit of frustration of not getting the appreciation some people thought I deserved but I didn't pay too much attention to it.

Club sophomore year. Much more dramatic. Not quite as fun. I still liked the team but there was more drama and judgements and hatred. I don't do well with that. I just don't like that (more detail could come in a later post).

Junior year was not so great. For the most part I really liked the team. However there was a lot more frustration on my part because I wasn't libero and the girl that was became very...proud (this also leads to more frustration and anger now but I'll get to that). She became full of herself thinking that she is so much better than everybody else. Truth is she's not as good as she thinks she is or as good as other people think she is.

Club junior year was pretty good. I was still frustrated but part of that was because I was learning a new technique at passing (I was on a new club with a new coach) and it was frustrating because at times it wasn't working out. Also some of my frustration from the school year came with it because I felt like I kept being over looked and I never understood why. Overall it was good though. The team was great, no drama at all (which is what I like). The coach was also fun and always believes in you, which is great. At the time I was probably really hard on him because I was so frustrated and too proud to admit that I was doing something wrong.

As you might notice junior year is where everything went wrong. Suddenly there was a freshman that everybody thought was great but really wasn't and I was over looked. Now I have been cut from a team altogether and I don't understand why.

When the coach told me and my friend, who was also trying to be libero (there were a total of 7 people trying to be libero), she said it was a bad year to go for this position and that she didn't like having to cut people. Where I'm sure part of that is wrong I can't help but feel there is more to it. When I first thought about if she told me I was being cut I was going to ask for a real reason. A reason why they other players beat me. What I did wrong. But silly me I didn't ask. Because I was with my friend I didn't want to make a scene. The coach also seemed genuine about not feeling like cutting us and I didn't want to seem like I hated her. Now I wish I had asked. I want to know why, not numbers, I want to know what she saw in the other girls that she didn't see in me. She said that we couldn't have tried harder. That didn't help.

When I got home and told my mom (I just shook my head because I didn't think words would work out so to speak). She wasn't happy. She started saying that the coach made a big mistake. When I told her who made the team that made her even more mad. Mainly because one of the girls was on the team last year when she really shouldn't have been, blah blah blah politics and nonsense not going into detail. The other girl was the one that beat me last year. That made my mom even more mad. "She's made a big mistake," my mom said. The other girl which I hope becomes libero I don't really mind because she was doing good but I still wish it hadn't been this way. My mom also told me that my club coach said if I didn't make the team we were ripped off. My friends have also been encouraging me too. One friend even said she'd kill the coach if I didn't make the team. I haven't told her yet. Nobody else knows except my friend that was with me, my mom, the coach, and probably the people that made the team when I had to take the "walk of shame" (I tried to make a joke about that with my friend as we went to get our bags to take our stuff off and go home...probably not the best timing or best joke...oh well).

Everybody has been so supportive of me. I have such great friends and family. I'm so lucky to know them. As I was driving home I thought about how I was going to tell my father since he's at work until later this evening. Then I began to wonder if they'd be disappointed in me. It was then that I realized that wouldn't happen if anything they would fight for me. If anything this is what really makes me emotional. Not making the team, that hurt but thinking about my friends and family...I just can't help but get emotional (if you don't know me I don't cry very often and when I do people don't normally see it). If your reading this and I know you thank you for your support. I'm sorry I didn't make the team but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

You should know that I'm not giving up on volleyball though. I hope I can be one of those people that goes to games and supports the team. I don't want to be one of those people that feels awkward around the people on the team or that hates volleyball. If it's okay with my parents I will do club again this year with the same team as last time and, if I can, I will play in college.

My rant is done if you read through the whole thing and are thinking "wow that was boring" I warned you at the beginning not to read it. Especially if you read my last post and thought to yourself "wow she seems like a ton of fun!" and then read this post I'm sorry if your disappointed but I needed to get this off my chest.

P.S. I also apologize if it doesn't make much sense or there are a ton of grammatical and spelling errors.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Well Hello There

Well hello there! This is my blog, obviously. Now then if I know you, hello, if not, welcome person I don't know I hope you enjoy yourself. This post is going to explain why I made this blog and who I am. So let's get started:

Name: Steve
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Relationship status: Divorced twice, currently dating
Pets: A parrot
Hobbies/Activities: I collect leaves/I surf
Political views: Republican
Religious views: Wiccan
Where do I live: Australia
Reason for making this blog: I want to become famous
Can I write: I think so

Just kidding! That's not really who I am, it just goes to show how easy it is to lie on the internet (I probably shouldn't be saying that...oh well). Any way lets get down to who I really am:

Name: You can call me Scooby
Genger: I is a female
Age: um...I'll just say between 16 and 20
Relationship status: As single as one can get...I will probably end up being the crazy old lady with too many cats, but that's a story for another day.
Pets: 2 cats
Hobbies/Activities: I make friendship bracelets and I read/I play volleyball
Political views: Who cares?
Religious views: Christian. I'm not going to say I'm Catholic or I'm Lutheran because honestly, I don't think it really matters. I believe in God and that He sent his son to die on the cross to save us (that's kinda the shorter version but there you go).
Where do I live: America
Reason for making this blog: To rant about things that annoy me. To be able to vent with out people asking me questions and so I actually get it out and feel like someone might "hear" me. To make you laugh with my awkward moments and other nonsense like that.
Can I write: No, no I cannot (you've probably already noticed that). If you want a good read with proper grammar and what not I suggest you leave now if you haven't already.

Well there you go. That is me. I'll probably get around to making an "about me" section at some point and time but for now this is how you can get to know me. I think that's all you need to know about me. If I missed something...oh well I think you'll survive.

Wow. I really don't know how to end this. Maybe I should have a catch phrase or something? That way I can put it down and then you will know that the post is done. I have no idea what that could possibly be so for now good bye, have fun, and enjoy life.