Friday, July 5, 2013

Exam Results

So during my English class this last school year my teacher showed me this video. With AP results coming out soon I thought I would share this video with you. Personally I feel like they have taken way to long to get here but now that they are I feel like they caught me off guard.

After we watched the video we had a little discussion about whether or not we let exam results decide our fate. I can't remember exactly what was said but a majority of it was that that focus so much about your grades. If you fail an exam it isn't the end of the world. Something along those line! Let me know what you think in the comments!

I hope I helped a little bit. If I didn't I hope the video did. Stay classy and remember that I believe in you and don't lose hope!

In the future! Nail polish rant, YOLO, fangirling! What could those possibly be about?


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  2. Hey Scooby! I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Check it out here:
