Friday, June 28, 2013

Communication (Part 2)

So I kinda forgot about last weeks post...I got a little busy and when I got home I was too exhausted to do anything. Since I feel like communication is really important we are going to continue from the last time I talked about this. So lets get to it!

Have you ever had this conversation?

Parent: "You all packed?"
You: "For what?"
Parent: "We are going on vacation!"
You: "Really? When?"
Parent: "Tomorrow. I told you that."
You: "What?! No you didn't."
Parent: "Sure I did." *walks away*

I don't know if I've had that exact conversation but I have had similar situations. So here's the point I want to make. Make sure you tell people important information. Also even if you tell them that make sure they actually heard you because many times people will be in shock or too tired to understand what you are actually saying. Does that make sense?

I don't know if I told you this but I'm not exactly the best at communicating. For example sometimes I will just make a noise. Just like a squeak or something. No, it's not just when I'm surprised. I will just make a noise to express my feeling. I don't know why it just happens.

In my last communication post I gave an example of a confusing conversation. After I published that post I got to thinking about and found some other confusing parts of it. So let's get into that shall we? We shall.

So this is that conversation:

"What channel is it?"
"What channel is it?"
"I don't know what you're looking for."
"I don't know what's on."

How did you read "What?" That's what I want to know because you can either read it as "What are you talking about" or "What program". Depending on how you say something it can mean something totally different. There was an example of this in Cars. When Lightning McQueen said "Yeah okay" to Sally (the blue car) and she was all like "Well what does that mean?" Do you remember that? No? Darn. Just watch the movie again and you'll see what I'm talking about. After all it is a good movie.

Alright now for the major ranting part of the post. Contractions. You know "it's"," you're", "don't", all those good things. Well I have come to learn that you aren't supposed to use them when writing a paper. Why? Because it doesn't sound as professional. That doesn't make any sense to me. In school we had to learn about how contractions work. It was one of the first things we learned. I don't know about you but I had a whole worksheet on how they worked and what "would" and "not" would combine to become. I probably had a test on it too! It was called phonics. So here's my problem. Why did we learn it if we aren't supposed to use it? It doesn't make any sense!

Okay now for a more serious matter. My pastor actually talked about words on Sunday (which actually reminded me about this post). Anyway he gave an illustration that he really likes and I kinda like to. Okay take a bottle of toothpaste and push all of the toothpaste out. You don't actually have to do this just imagine if you want. Okay now that all the toothpaste is out try to put it back in. How's that going? Not that well? Yeah. That's the point. You can't put the toothpaste back in. If you don't believe me then try it. Think of the toothpaste as words. It is really easy to let all of these words out but its a lot harder to take them back. Just think about the next time you want to say something mean to someone.

Well that's it for this long awaited post (just kidding). I just decided (literally like a minute ago) that at the very very end, so after this little paragraph I would list topics I plan on writing about. Just so you know and hopefully keep you interested so you come back! Stay classy and be careful what you say to people. Say one thing and you could loose a friend. Words are powerful. Use them wisely.

In the future! Nail polish, fangirling, and YOLO! What?!

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