Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Belated Holiday

I'M ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh. You already knew that? Well congratulations smarty pants nobody cares. Just kidding, that was mean.

I realize I'm really late on talking about Valentines Day. I'm not even sure why I'm really posting about it. I don't have a boyfriend, never have. So why am I talking about it? Well I'm not actually going to talk about relationships and all that good stuff like most people do (you can relax now). Basically I'm just making a short little post to say I actually did "talk" about it.

I would like to say one thing though. If you are going to get mad at me because I missed the deadline think about this day. This is a normal day right? Right. This is a normal day where it isn't expected of you to do anything for your special loved one or somebody you care about or whatever. So just think of this day (and every other day that isn't Valentine's Day) as "A Normal Day Where I Can Be Even More Awesome Than Normal By Surprising Someone I Care About With Something Equally As Awesome To Show Them How Awesome I Think They Are." You can remember it as the longest holiday ever if you want. I'm not saying you have to do something on a normal day I'm just saying think about it. Why should we have a specific holiday for something we should be doing all the time? Doesn't make sense.

Sorry, started ranting. That was a lot longer than I thought it would be. So here is what I wanted to do. Below are two songs. I like them. They are cute and talk about love. If you don't like that don't watch/listen to them. It's as simple as that.

And now for our feature presentation:

There are many more but I will stick with just those two. If you really liked them you should go check out more of their songs and tell them I sent you! You don't really have to do that if you don't want to.

Have a fantabulous day and eat lots of food because food is good for you!

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