Monday, August 13, 2012

Well Hello There

Well hello there! This is my blog, obviously. Now then if I know you, hello, if not, welcome person I don't know I hope you enjoy yourself. This post is going to explain why I made this blog and who I am. So let's get started:

Name: Steve
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Relationship status: Divorced twice, currently dating
Pets: A parrot
Hobbies/Activities: I collect leaves/I surf
Political views: Republican
Religious views: Wiccan
Where do I live: Australia
Reason for making this blog: I want to become famous
Can I write: I think so

Just kidding! That's not really who I am, it just goes to show how easy it is to lie on the internet (I probably shouldn't be saying that...oh well). Any way lets get down to who I really am:

Name: You can call me Scooby
Genger: I is a female
Age: um...I'll just say between 16 and 20
Relationship status: As single as one can get...I will probably end up being the crazy old lady with too many cats, but that's a story for another day.
Pets: 2 cats
Hobbies/Activities: I make friendship bracelets and I read/I play volleyball
Political views: Who cares?
Religious views: Christian. I'm not going to say I'm Catholic or I'm Lutheran because honestly, I don't think it really matters. I believe in God and that He sent his son to die on the cross to save us (that's kinda the shorter version but there you go).
Where do I live: America
Reason for making this blog: To rant about things that annoy me. To be able to vent with out people asking me questions and so I actually get it out and feel like someone might "hear" me. To make you laugh with my awkward moments and other nonsense like that.
Can I write: No, no I cannot (you've probably already noticed that). If you want a good read with proper grammar and what not I suggest you leave now if you haven't already.

Well there you go. That is me. I'll probably get around to making an "about me" section at some point and time but for now this is how you can get to know me. I think that's all you need to know about me. If I missed something...oh well I think you'll survive.

Wow. I really don't know how to end this. Maybe I should have a catch phrase or something? That way I can put it down and then you will know that the post is done. I have no idea what that could possibly be so for now good bye, have fun, and enjoy life.


  1. Hey Scooby! Welcome to the blog world! :) Nice to meet you too. This looked pretty fun, so I'll fill it out too!

    Name: Nikki P
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Relationship status: In love, but getting nowhere >.<
    Pets: A dog, and a little hamster.
    Hobbies/Activities: Violin, taekwondo, blogging, chilling...stalking you...
    Political views: More towards the Left, but I'm fairly independent.
    Religious views: Christian
    Where do I live: CO
    Reason for making this blog: I didn't.
    Can I write: Anybody can! It's just about if you have to motivation to do so :)

    ...Eh, yours was more fun to read.

  2. Oh oh oh! I wanna do one too!!!!

    Name: Shaggy
    Gender: female (yeah I know)
    Age: 17
    Relationship status: um...none...
    Pets: a dog, so cute although a bit of a dumb dumb
    Hobbies/activities: write!...procrastinate...look at clothes I'll never wear in public, harp, aikido, IB don don doooon
    Political views: haven't got a clue
    Religious views: Christian
    Where do I live: Colorado
    Can I write: There's a great possibility that my writing skills are only up to acceptable standards when I'm really pressed for works...kinda
