Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Colors

Red and green are Christmas colors. When I see them together I automatically think "Christmas! Yeah!" It's just the way it is. Red and green are Christmas colors. Not purple or blue or macaroni yellow. But why not? Well that's the thought I had so I thought I would google it and save you the trouble looking for the answer.

So one website says there are two reasons for these two colors being the official Christmas colors. 
  1. Green was seen as the symbol of life before Jesus was born. They would cut down trees and put them in their house during winter to symbolize that they are still alive despite the harsh weather (Christmas tree history right there too...your welcome). The Romans would hang up holly wreaths during a festival called natalis solis invicti (“birth of the invincible sun") in order to welcome back the sun and warm weather. They celebrated these holidays on December 25th. There are also other pagan holidays that contributed to the colors but there isn't much more information about them.  
  2. Many of the traditions previously mentioned occur after the death of Jesus too. They are amplified when the green color is seen more as eternal life. Red was also added more with red berries and apples to symbolize the blood Jesus shed.

That's all I really want to share and is the majority of what I found. If you want more here (<-- click that word right there) is a website that you can hear more details that I got bored with because my music is distracting me from focusing on it. 
Well I hope you enjoyed that short little background on the colors of Christmas. I don't know about you but it makes me feel better knowing that there is an actual reason red and green are the colors and not just some random colors people decided looked cool together.

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