Saturday, May 11, 2013


I'm sorry! I know I said that I would make a post about friendship for yesterday but I ended up going to a friends house. It was rather fun if I do say so myself. We acted like five year olds on a playground and then had yummy chicken lasagna. After eating we learned the cup song! We spent a good couple hours doing that and it didn't even seem like fifteen minutes. Good times with awesome friends!

Oh yeah! This is the cup song...Well a mash up of the cup song. In case you didn't know what I was talking about...

Well that was kinda like a post about friendship...or not. This coming Friday I will make a post about friendship. I won't have anything going on and will be able to spend time making a post that could actually be of good quality (but probably not). I would have done one today and not said anything but I have an AP Biology test I've been studying for and didn't have the time I needed to make a good long post. The only reason I wrote this was because I needed a break...and procrastination (the story of a senior in high school...stupid senioritus). Anyway, if your reading this then you must really like my blog for some strange reason. I'm sorry if you came on Friday hoping for a really good post and ended up being disappointed. yeah...stay classy and remember to enjoy life because its fun. Good grief I have no idea what I'm talking about right now. You should tell me what kind of posts you want me to do. I could write a story (probably more humorous depending on how serious you would want it to be), if you want me to answer a question, and anything else! I'm welcome to ideas since I'm "walking blindly" so to speak.

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