Sunday, September 2, 2012

It's Only September!

On my way to church this morning we had a Christian radio station playing in our car. At first I wasn't paying much attention to the music. Then I realized I liked the song and got happy. I got so excited that I even said "Oh!" out loud. Before I could say anything else I realized why I got so happy. It was a Christmas song that was playing.

A Christmas September. What?!

Okay I really love Christmas music but I also think that it should only be played at a certain time. That time is after Thanksgiving. Why? Because we should focus on every holiday equally not just the one's that make us the happiest. Don't skip over Thanksgiving just because you don't have anything to sell to people. Think about the commercials for Thanksgiving. "Be thankful for what you have! But your rug looks worn down and you should get a new one." They can't really advertise Thanksgiving so they skip over it. Not okay, but I digress.

Why does this bug me so much? Well I'm glad you asked.
  1. As I have already pointed out its only September. We haven't even come close to thinking about Halloween for crying out loud!
  2. The Christmas songs they were playing on this Christian radio station weren't Christian. Now I don't think all Christmas music should be about Jesus. Some of my favorite Christmas songs aren't about Jesus. I just think that a Christian radio station should be able to a Christian Christmas song. I heard three Christmas songs on this station and none of them were about Jesus. 
The radio station did explain that they are randomly playing Christmas songs only this weekend. They explained that they are doing this because its been a hot summer and they are playing Christmas music to help us mentally cool down. Like our brains were going to explode because it's not Christmas yet. Well whatever it was an interesting surprise and I don't listen to that station very much so I guess I'll survive.

Do you need to mentally cool down? Well here you go:


P.S. Until I get smarter at videos you are going to have to deal with awkwardly sized videos.

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